Case Studies

Over the years I’ve had the pleasure of working with individuals and groups.

Here are just a few examples of my work.

Aurelle Garner

TERRIE HUBERMAN – How did you find me and what prompted you to want to see me? What modality did we use: guided meditation (hypnosis), psychic reading, mediumship reading, akashic records (life purpose) reading, spiritual mentorship, IET energy healing, or any combination of them.

AURELLE – You were just the answer to my prayers. I was riddled with anxiety and doubt, had been for decades, and I had reached a point where I knew I needed to do something about it before it totally ruined my health. I had wanted to give hypnosis a shot for a long time, always been an admirer and believer of Edgar Cayce’s work, and I always knew it would be the way to go. I was still quite new to LA, didn’t know many people, didn’t know where to search. I had started to go to guided meditations at Forest Nui Cobalt’s house, it had already started to help a lot. But I still needed to try hypnosis. And one Sunday afternoon I came in, and you were there, in the Royal armchair, with a big smile on your face and a French beret on your head. I was automatically drawn to your kindness, and thought you were an amazing person right away, you were radiating that vibe that makes people want to be your friend. At the end of the meditation, you nonchalantly said: “oh by the way, I am a hypnotherapist, here’s my card.” and that’s when the angels started to sing. It was really a message from the Universe. You then started psychic mentorship; you had already encouraged me to work on the gifts I had buried for so long. I consider it a way to paying forward, helping others after you helped me so much. It also helped me realize that the panic attack might not have been anxiety related always after all, that maybe the spirit world was trying to communicate with me.  

TH – During: What were you noticing about how you were feeling or what was going on in your life? Did you feel like the advice and suggestions given during our time together helped you reach your goal? Were you experiencing any shifts in your life?  

A – From the very first session I felt much better, it almost instantly started easing my anxiety, the panic attacks stopped instantly to never come back. Your mentorship helped me find a purpose, answer the question what is my place in the universe. I felt more at ease, more peaceful, more aware, and more relaxed than I have ever been. I had plenty of shifts going on work related at the time, and if it were not for your guidance, I don’t know if I would have made it out of them unscathed. you were always able to help me redirect my energy towards where it needed to be. You have never been scared to kick me in the butt when needed, help me see how to bring positivity back, and how to get my thoughts in the right direction.  

TH – What in particular did you find most challenging? What did you feel you were able to do or accomplish for YOURSELF with my guidance?  

– The most challenging was to trust myself, realize I had it in me, understanding I didn’t need validation as it is a product of my ego. You are still teaching me to learn to surrender to the universe. It is still hard for me, but I think it is the true challenge of life. Consciously surrendering to events, and situations, to be able to learn and navigate through them, without letting them overwhelm you and victimize you.  

TH – Did you enjoy your overall experience working with me and would you do it again? What do you feel, bottom line, you were able to get out of this? How has your life changed from this experience?  

– I enjoy every moment I spent with you, either through our friendship or your mentorship. I am learning through your amazing positive personality to just go with the flow and love myself for who I am, not who I think I should be. I sometimes am speechless when thinking I have the privilege of having you as part of my friends. You have taught me so much about letting go, not holding to other’s negativity, my life has improved 100% through your kindness and your grace and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

John Reha

TERRIE HUBERMAN: How did you find me? What prompted you to want to see me? What modality did we use: guided meditation (hypnosis), psychic reading, mediumship reading, akashic records (life purpose) reading, spiritual mentorship, IET energy healing, paranormal investigations, or any combination of them.  

JOHN: I have known Terrie for several years, and when I talked to her about what was happening in my life, she suggested we use IET energy healing to help break up blocks emotionally, physically, and spiritually that were keeping me stagnant.  

TH: What were you noticing about how you were feeling or what was going on in your life? Did you feel like the advice and suggestions during our time together was helping you reach your goal? Were you experiencing any shifts in your life?  

J: A personal tragedy about 2 years ago left my personal life and health in shambles. I could not move forward, was severely depressed (often not leaving my bed) and was ready for my life to literally end. I kept setting intentions with Terrie using IET, and it was about week #4 that I realized my mood was much better, and I was making time to take care of myself physically and looking for work!  

TH: What in particular did you find most challenging? What did you feel you were able to do or accomplish for YOURSELF with my guidance?  

J: The most challenging aspect of this, as it is an energy modality that does not require direct participation, was faith that it was working. Though I am spiritual and a light worker myself, I found myself questioning the experience and feeling very alone and isolated, until about the 4th week when, as I said, things started taking a very positive turn. The first week was rough.   The night of the first session, I could not sleep, and so the next day was even worse. When I DID finally sleep the next night, I woke up to find a drawer I had closed open, and in a small sachet of herbs, a moth had hatched. I let it outside and then went back to sleep, taking it as a positive sign. That weekend I got very sick, but recovered quickly. The next few weeks were rough, but in the last two weeks of the sessions, (#5 and #6) I had more work come my way, and was able to pick up several shifts of well-paying, albeit, temporary work. An apartment I was trying to get that looked like it was about to fall through also came through in a spectacular way at the very last moment.  

TH: Did you enjoy your overall experience working with me and would you do it again? What do you feel, bottom line, you were able to get out of this? How has your life changed from this experience?  

J: My life is still in a tough place emotionally and physically, but with Terrie’s help and healing I have moved past literally wanting to die and am hopeful and excited for the future for the first time in a long time, and I continue to see my actions and situations manifest excellent results. I would absolutely work with Terrie again, and recommend anyone else to work with her. She gets results and she gets them hard.

Renee Heil

TERRIE HUBERMAN – How did you find me and what prompted you to want to see me? What modality did we use: guided meditation (hypnosis), psychic reading, mediumship reading, akashic records (life purpose) reading, spiritual mentorship, IET energy healing, or any combination of them.  

RENEE – I found your link in an email that was sent to me.  I believe the email was from another psychic medium who was recommending you however I can’t be sure as this was a year ago last July. In the email there was a link to your GPS of the Soul class at the liberate Emporium. I’ve always been interested in developing my psychic skills… especially after they became enhanced when my mother became ill 5 years ago and passed shortly thereafter. I decided to take the class from you in July of 2016. A couple of months later I decided to have a personal one-on-one reading with you in which you did both a psychic reading and connected with my loved ones via your mediumship skills.  

TH – What were you noticing about how you were feeling or what was going on in your life? Did you feel like the advice and suggestions during our time together was helping you reach your goal? Were you experiencing any shifts in your life?  

– At the time I was feeling very stuck in my life. I was grieving the loss of many of my loved ones as well as questioning my life’s purpose.  In the first 15 minutes of the psychic reading you gave me I got some clarity and affirmation regarding my current situation.  During the mediumship readings I received much healing from your ability to connect with the important people in my life which are no longer on the Earth plane.  It was at that time that you suggested to me that I consider taking the akashic Records Workshop in October of 2016. I also decided to do a couple of more rounds to develop my psychic skills with you and other like-minded individuals at the liberate Emporium. The reading brought much healing and after I started working in my own akashic records I started to experience the beginning of a huge shift in my Outlook on life and in my energy field.  I decided to continue down the path and see where it would take me.  

TH – What in particular did you find most challenging? What did you feel you were able to do or accomplish for YOURSELF with my guidance?  

– The most challenging part of this experience has been learning to create boundaries not just psychically but also in my personal life. The other most challenging part was learning to trust.  These have been issues that have plagued me my entire existence on this planet. As a result I decided to continue to pursue developing my psychic skills as well as furthering my knowledge of the akashic records.  I have always felt drawn to The Healing Arts and a few months ago I tripped across integrated energy therapy in my quest to possibly pursue medical intuition.  Since July of 2016 I Have Become an advanced akashic records practitioner and an advanced IET practitioner. Both of these modalities have also helped increase my psychic abilities.  

TH – Did you enjoy your overall experience working with me and would you do it again? What do you feel, bottom line, you were able to get out of this? How has your life changed from this experience?  

R – I most definitely would do this again… This has changed my life all for the better and has given me confidence and helped me set boundaries and Trust psychically and in my personal life. I cannot thank you enough.

Tomy Durant

TERRIE HUBERMAN: How did you find me? What prompted you to want to see me? What modality did we use: guided meditation (hypnosis), psychic reading, mediumship reading, akashic records (life purpose) reading, spiritual mentorship, IET energy healing, paranormal investigations, or any combination of them.  

TOMY: In 2016, My wife Jen and I were approached by a therapist who was experiencing paranormal activity in her home. In this case, we reached out to Terrie because we thought she would be an excellent match with our client, and we’ve seen her deliver amazing messages during gallery readings in the past. Generally, on our residential investigations, we like to consult someone with mediumship abilities to help corroborate evidence captured on audio and video.  

TH: What were you noticing about how you were feeling or what was going on in your life? Did you feel like the advice and suggestions during our time together was helping you reach your goal? Were you experiencing any shifts in your life?  

TD: Upon arriving at the home, we completed an uneventful walk-through and found there to be no anomalous or extraneous electro-magnetic interference, but almost immediately, Terrie began picking up on the activity our client was experiencing. Though the investigation yielded no results, Terrie was able to read for the client and uncover that, she too, was gifted with mediumship abilities.

TH: What in particular did you find most challenging? What did you feel you were able to do or accomplish for YOURSELF with my guidance?  

TD: Terrie and my wife sat with the client for over 2 hours, giving validation to life events and preternatural experiences that our client has experienced. Terrie exchanged information with the client and agreed to help her with any additional questions about how to handle these “gifts” moving into the future.  

TH: Did you enjoy your overall experience working with me and would you do it again? What do you feel, bottom line, you were able to get out of this? How has your life changed from this experience?  

TD: The client was elated and very thankful for our time and Terrie’s insights. She helped our client feel at ease in her own home once again and also helped our client better understand her own personal journey.   We wouldn’t hesitate to work with Terrie again or refer future clients to her for her services. She is an incredibly accurate and talented medium with a big heart.

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