How to tap into the energy of the Moon to power up your manifesting!

If you're not familiar with the phases of the moon cycle, we're just about to be under a New Moon early next month -- September 2nd to be exact!

The moon moves through her cycle every 28 days. The two biggies in terms of the moon are the New Moon and the Full Moon. Each have unique energetic strengths that you, a person living under her, can take advantage of!

Put simply, the New Moon brings in blessings of all kinds and Full Moons let go or release pent up frequencies.

Due to the upcoming New Moon, I thought I'd share with you what I do during this time -- pragmatically and practically -- so that you can do it too if you're looking for an easy way to bring in blessings.

1 - I write a mock check with the 'Paid To' sections of all the names I have bank accounts with. For the amount, I write 'PAID IN FULL' because I want my expenses taken care of. In the memo section, I'm sure to write 'For all known and unknown expenses.'

2- I write out a list of all of the things I am grateful for, things I'd like to have or experience more of, and if I've done any written collaboration manifestation work with my clients, I have those written down too.

3- I participate in a meditation called "Meditation Twin Hearts,' that unites the heart and the crown chakras to clean and clear out any heaviness.

These practical rituals can be done two days before and after the New Moon -- and when the Full Moon comes along, I take my mock check, my list of things I'm grateful for, and burn them to let go and release them.

What kind of rituals do you do with the cycles of the moon?

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